
Public Art Program Analysis

Sponsor: Department of Cultural Affairs

University: USC & Claremont Graduate University

Status:  Completed

Link: Github

The Department of Cultural Affairs Public Art Division is in need of an analytic model to measure progress and demonstrate the impact of the Public Works Improvements Arts Program (PWIAP). PWIAP create arts amenities, facilities and services in connection with all City capital improvement projects. The Program’s mission is to provide publicly accessible works of art, arts and cultural facilities, and services for the cultural benefit of the City, its citizens and its visitors. Since its inception 26 years ago, the Program has collected output data related to artist profile (location), project finances (budget, expenditure, contractual employment), artworks (locations/council district, launch date), community/stakeholder meetings, and partnered city departments and facilities. USC and CGU students will be developing the project.


We found that because there are a few major projects in LA, the public arts are centered in select few areas in which they may not be appreciated. As such, this project helped change our data collection process, and may lead to policy changes.